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Humpty, No Dumpty!

I created this problem. That’s it’s that the post.

No, seriously! I, Handy Homegirl, cut what I believed to be a small hole in my dryer exhaust cover in an attempt to clean the lint that was trapped in it. Well an equally small bird got in and made a very large nest inside the exhaust. Which led to my dryer’s inability to dry laundry loads in one go. In true me fashion I let it go on for a bit before I decided it was time to fix the problem. Mainly, because I wasn’t sure how I was going to put something up that would prevent me from having to make trouble for myself again.

So let’s start with the clearing out process which was loooong because that nest was lodged in there GOOD! Ultimately, I had to go at it from inside the house because I was unable to get the brush tool through with the nest blocking like a wall. Unfortunately, in the clearing process there was an egg in the nest that fell and broke, but we mourned and moved on. After all that the vent I purchased was too small so I had to throw a plastic bag up and make the dreaded "middle of a project" trip to the hardware store. There I was able to find a cover that opened and allowed for easy cleaning. Who would have thunk it!

After all that we reached success and only one time drying! Hooray for lower electrical bills and more time for folding…yea right!

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